Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Snow!

It started snowing the day after Christmas and there was plenty to play in. So Monday morning after my WW meeting the girls and I went and played (and I shoveled the driveway and sidewalks). I sat Reagan down and took a few pictures and at first she was ok and trying to pick up the snow, but then she just got mad because she was cold. So I took her in and David watched her the rest of the time. It wasn't enough to make a huge snowman, but he did turn out cute!


Jaime said...

My kids would have a BLAST in that snow! We are going to have to drive to the snow this year--probably Yosemite. It's been so warm here. It always is but it's been especially warm this year. Actually my sister I and I were just talking today of possibly going to the beach!

ShEiLa said...

These pictures look fun.

I love playing in the snow for a little while... but if I get cold then I am kind of a 'party-pooper'.


Jaime said...

I did spray the molds but not even very much. If you get some, make sure they are nonstick. also has some cute molds. I got the heart-butterfly-flower ones there.

Maymo said...

What a cute little snow man! Miss you!!!