Sunday, July 18, 2010

Exciting Moments...NOT!

In April as I was coming home from running some errands I rolled my minivan. I went from eastbound interstate, across the grassy median, into the oncoming westbound traffic. Thankfully no other cars were involved and I was not seriously injured, just some cuts and bruises (Reagan wasn't hurt at all). When you look at pictures of the van I know that we were blessed!
Cut on hand:

During the catscan to make sure that I hadn't broken any bones they found a mass in my abdomen. After a few doctor appointments it was decided that we would do exploratory surgery to take it out. During surgery they also took out my gallbladder because of stones that would cause problems in the near future.
Note: The last picture is of my incision and isn't for weak stomachs
I was surprised to find out that they had made a 9 inch incision, and used 29 staples. I have included a picture so if you have a weak stomach then you may not want to look.


Amanda said...

WOW. You were and are diffinately blessed. Crazy scar you'll have. Glad everything is ok now. :)

ShEiLa said...

I am glad that you are A-O-K and that nodody was hurt in the rollover.


Jaime said...

I'm glad you were all okay! When I had to have a surgery once, they were able to do laser surgery and no marks at all were visable. I guess its because of the kind of surgery. Mine was a tubal pregnancy one.

Jon said...

You look like you were all sewn up like a zombie.